A libertarian’s note on Umm al-Fahm

24 03 2009

Alex Stein - falsedichotomies.com

Alex Stein - falsedichotomies.com

Alex Stein is one of those modern-day bloggers who would make you nostalgic for old Shakespearean English, or at least really articulate, witty and sometimes sarcastic English.

He is a British Jewish scholar who lives in a place he likes to call “Zion.” On his website, False Dichotomies, he explores different aspects of the Arab-Israeli conflict, and many other issues, writing in this particular post an account of his day at Umm al-Fahm, the Palestinian-Israeli town that saw recent protests against a right-wing march. 

Stein had joined a counter-demonstration against the right-wingers, arriving at Umm al-Fahm on a bus with the Israeli organization Peace Now. In this light-hearted post, with the usual Stein wittiness, he tells the story of that particular day, with an anecdote here and there that would keep you awake and reading.

To those of you who are still curious about Umm al-Fahm, this should give you a unique and brief account from a witness who is neither a right-winger, nor a Palestinian-Israeli. I like Stein for this simple initiative that many Israelis show when all things collapse and become an “our side or their side” situation.
